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Architecture Subject Spotlight

Architecture: The blueprints of civilisation
with Rob Nice from the University for the Creative Arts

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Join Rob Nice as he looks at architecture being the the blueprint of civilisation, addressing the preconceptions and misconceptions of architecture as a subject, the nature of repurposing space, and how architects must consider the socio-political, cultural and environmental impact of their work. Rob also considers the ugly, banal and spectacular elements of architecture, and demonstrates a specialist drawing exercise that you can have a go at too!

Rob NiceUniversity for the Creative ArtsArchitecture, building, and planning

All episodes
1. Experiencing architecture
2. Using spaces
3. Reinventing spaces now
4. Studying architecture: practices and processes
5. Architecture is all around us
6. The drawing!
7. Rounding up and questions

About the university

University for the Creative Arts
University for the Creative Arts
University for the Creative Arts

University for the Creative Arts is a top specialist creative university, home to vibrant campuses in Canterbury, Epsom, and Farnham. With courses in arts, business, and technology, UCA offers state-of-the-art creative facilities, inspiring local surroundings, and the freedom to express yourself creatively amongst like-minded others. As the second largest creative specialist university in Europe, their campuses are packed full of high-tech, quality equipment for you to use around the clock. And no matter how big or bold your ideas may be, at UCA you’ll be guided to transform sparks of creativity into meaningful projects, while forging your path to a rewarding creative career along the way.

Meet the academic
Rob Nice

Rob Nice is a Senior Lecturer in Architecture and Design at UCA on the BA (Hons) Interior Architecture & Design course, and is also the Stage 1 convener for both BA (Hons) Interior Architecture & Design and Architecture courses at UCA Canterbury. Rob Nice has been active within architectural education and the associated spatial disciplines since 1995, delivering, developing, managing programmes and working with young people, academics and a variety of other professionals. Rob joined the Canterbury School of Architecture in 2007 and is currently a Senior Lecturer, alongside leading his own practice led research stems from an ongoing fascination with the consequence(s) of architecture, the underused and unused spaces to be found in our cities and how these spaces could be appropriated in unorthodox ways. Rob describes himself as subversive, mischievous and speculative, and loves “My” hiphop, otherwise known as “My” Culture or the “Culture."

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