
What are Higher Technical Qualifications (HTQs) and are they for you? A guide to Higher Technical Qualifications

3 mins
February 15, 2024
There are lots of different options to consider for your next steps in education and training, and Higher Technical Qualifications (HTQs) might be the right fit for you. HTQs are a great option for young people seeking a blend of classroom based and practical skills. In this guide, we'll dive deep into the world of HTQs, exploring what they are, why they matter, and how they can shape your journey towards a rewarding and successful job.
What are Higher Technical Qualifications?

Let’s start with the basics. HTQs are a category of qualifications that bridge the gap between traditional academic degrees and specialist job training. HTQs 

have been approved against employer developed standards for specific job roles. So if you know what kind of role you want to specialise in and can’t wait to get there, HTQs could be your answer. 

Designed to give you advanced technical skills and industry-specific knowledge, HTQs are crafted in collaboration with employers to ensure relevance to the demands of the workforce.

Key components of HTQs
1. Getting practical experience

HTQs are all about getting the skills, not just reading about it. They're not like normal classes; they're more like real-life situations. You can learn through workshops, labs, networking visits and work placements. Your assignments will be a mix of theory and practical skills based on your chosen field. This means you don't just learn things; you learn how to actually do things!

2. Industry-relevant 

HTQs are tailored to meet the needs of specific industries. Whether you're into engineering, IT, or healthcare, the lessons are made with the help of people who really work in those fields. So, you're learning the practical knowledge that professionals use every day.

3. Recognised by employers

Employability is at the core of HTQs. Companies see this qualification as a sign that you know your stuff. Having an HTQ makes you stand out and opens doors to lots of job options. Employers love that you've got skills that matter.

Benefits of pursuing HTQs
1. Career advancement

HTQs help kickstart your career by giving you the skills that employers actively want. You can study an HTQ in 1-2 years, which is faster and requires a smaller student loan than a 3 year degree, so that you can enter a highly skilled role and move up the job ladder faster.

2. Flexibility and specialisation

HTQs aren't just one size fits all. You get to pick what interests you. Want to be a tech whiz or space engineering technician, nursery leader or sports coach, or maybe something else entirely? HTQs let you choose the subject that fits the job or career you’re dreaming of. Not only that, but there are both full-time and part-time options, as well as opportunities to learn in different environments - including universities,local colleges and Institutes of Technology.  

3. Practical experience for a competitive edge

HTQs don't just talk about real life; they prepare you for it. With things like job experiences and projects, you don't just talk the talk; you walk the walk. It's like getting a sneak peek into your future job before you even start.

Conclusion - elevate your career with HTQs

In a world where the demand for skills is continually rising, Higher Technical Qualifications are a great opportunity. HTQs offer a dynamic and practical route to success, that can give you a competitve  edge as you head into your early career.

To find out more about HTQs, visit the new Skills for Life website.

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